The Love Food Again Program application

Hi there. Please fill out the application below if you're interested in joining the Love Food Again Program. Emily will reach out if you may be a good candidate. And if not, she will get in touch with any referrals or resources she thinks may help you.

This group will start February 19, 2024 with a 6pm CST 15 minute kickoff call. Our first group coaching session will be Wednesday February 28 at 11am CST. See below if this time does not work for you.

And FYI, by filling this out, you'll start getting my Lunch & Liberation newsletter and notifications about my other offerings.

If you'd rather talk to me instead, book a discovery call.

"It seems to me, that our three basic needs, for food and security and love, are so mixed and mingled that we cannot straightly think of one without the others."

M.F.K. Fisher
