3 Steps to Heal Your Relationship With Food

What To Do Instead of Dieting

When You Feel Stuck With Food and Your Body

End the frustration, binge eating, and emotional eating. Get rid of the guilt, and finally feel calm and confident with food and your body.

Join me for this free, live series to learn how to break free from dieting, disordered eating, and body shame and care for your health -

at the same time.

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

March 21, 22, & 23, 2023

12pm -12:30pm CST daily

food and body attunement

In three days, you'll learn actionable strategies for transforming your relationship with food and your body. No matter what type of health issue you may be dealing with, healing your relationship to food can help.

Small Call to Action Headline

Do you have a sense you are too brilliant, empowered, and amazing to keep feeling horrible around food?

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

March 21,22, & 23, 2023

12pm -12:30pm CST daily

Live on zoom - replays available

A free downloadable workbook is also included

Let's Try Something New

It's time to finally start healing your relationship to food.

Let's be honest. You're exhausted of feeling like nothing works, like your body is broken, and that you are addicted to food. You're sick of binging, emotional eating, and feeling chaotic and guilty around food.

You're ready to find real peace and a new plan that doesn't make you feel miserable, disconnected, and ashamed.

Before you think that Intuitive Eating is a "screw it" plan, or that it's just another diet that won't last - think again.

When you have the right information, and get it face-to-face, from an expert, it can make all the difference.

I've helped hundreds of women finally end the dieting roller coaster, heal from disordered eating, and feel confident in themselves.

If you are frustrated with food, worried about your health, feel lost and overwhelmed about what to do INSTEAD of another miserable diet, you'll want to check this out.

Don't waste any more of your precious time.

Heal Your Relationship to Food

In 30 minutes a day, you'll learn:


March 21, 2023

12-12:30pm CST

Why diets have failed you (and maybe even made you gain weight!) and what to do instead

How to think about losing weight - you are unhappy with your body and worried about your health, but realize that what you've been doing isn't working

Why some people lose weight and others don’t - and what you can do differently

How to decipher good nutrition information from total nonsense


March 22, 2023

12-12:30 pm CST

Tools for quitting the eating behaviors that are so frustrating, like binge eating, emotional eating, and overeating (and other ones you may not notice you're doing)

How to "listen to your body" (learn what that actually means and HOW to do it)

How to choose foods differently in order to end the guilt, but still feel good, healthy, and satisfied

A 5-minute exercise to do every day to connect to your hunger and fullness signals


March 23, 2023

12-12:30pm CST

Find out how to stop second-guessing yourself with food and exercise

Ask any questions you've had this week and get immediate feedback from me

Hear other peoples questions and hear those answers too! (hint - chances are good you have similar questions)

Get personalized feedback about intuitive eating, health, disordered eating, emotional eating and get my honest answer

You'll walk away with the ability to commit to ending the diet cycle once and for all. Even better than that - you'll actually know what you can do instead of flailing in the wind


You can feel confident that you've found something that is sustainable, healthy, and liberating and understand how you're going to do it

What clients are saying....

I love food again

My emotional eating improved

"Working with Emily changed my whole mindset about food, my body, and eating for the better! I have a new and improved outlook on my relationship with food, and how I can take care of my body and mind by eating what and when feels right and good. I LOVE food and now through our work together, I get to enjoy it again!"

"I went into this stressed out and turning to food to cope. Now I have way better ways of coping with my stress and I have an inner support system built that I didn’t have when I started this work."

3 steps to heal your relationship with food

Your relationship with your body is critical to your happiness

free live series

March 21, 22, 23, 2023

12-12:30pm CST daily

Live on zoom, replays available

A free downloadable workbook is also included

About your instructor

Emily Van Eck, MS, RD

Registered Dietitian

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Hi there, I'm Emily.

I’m a dietitian who helps amazing people who struggle with their body and relationship to eating learn to trust themselves and feel confident with food.

I have a step-by-step liberatory process that’s totally doable, even if you still really want to lose weight. You aren't expected to stop feeling that way, no matter what you've heard.

I’ve spent over 10 years helping folks in all types of bodies feel more energized, healthier, and more attuned with themselves. I'm not gonna lie - it ain't easy. But it is so worth it.

Now I want to help you! Join me in this free Intuitive Eating class where we’ll take the first steps moving toward peace, freedom, and health - on your terms.

My Background

I decided to become a dietitian because I just knew that deeply satisfying food was healthy, but it seemed like the dominant cultural narrative about food and bodies was making this extremely difficult and harming people.

I earned a masters degree in nutrition science, became a registered dietitian, and a certified intuitive eating counselor.

And now I myth-bust fad diets, advocate for body equality, and help people connect to their inner wisdom and sense of "enough".

Emily Van Eck Nutrition & Wellness | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

Questions? emily@emilyvaneck.com